Credit for Above Photos: Whitney M. Spencer

 The PoC Kink Class experience supports everyday people in :

  1. Connecting with their selves, their bodies and imagination

  2. Reducing shame, the pain of historical & current oppression, personal triggers and fear based assumptions about kink

  3. Increasing their pleasure, creativity, sensuality, and freedom

Safe PoC learning experiences are healing due to:

  1. The trauma of daily white supremacy and it’s impact on / assumptions about PoC people and their bodies.

  2. The continual lack of accurate and affirming representation in sex education, media and romantic / sexual narratives - authored by PoC about PoC from PoC perspectives across their multiple genders, faiths, relationship styles and backgrounds.

  3. The social and emotional health benefits of having uninterrupted, undisturbed safety in which PoC receive care from themselves in communal and personal ways.

Credit for Above Photo: Photographer - Shooglet . Model: 300 lbs and Running

Credit for Above Photo: Photographer - Shooglet . Model: 300 lbs and Running